I had a lot of fun exploring this activity. Bitmojis are becoming increasingly popular with students old and young. Because of this, I felt that there would be a lot of cool ways to use Bitmoji to catch students' attention. One idea that I thought of would be to create a bulletin board using different students' Bitmojis for my next year class. They could use them to illustrate different work they have done (i.e. a true story they have written, or facts they have researched on a certain topic) and use the Bitmoji as an attention grabber to get people more interested in checking out the work they have done. I also thought it would be a neat idea to use my own Bitmoji to label different areas of the classroom (i.e. where homework is handed in, classroom library, etc). I also thought that perhaps when we do our book fair at school, students could print out their Bitmoji and tape it near a book they may recommend to other students in their class/school.
An idea that I found when exploring this activity would be to use my own Bitmoji as a way to respond to student work (i.e. the A+ Bitmoji above). I am open to so many ideas now including decorating my door using Bitmoji, and even creating self-adhesive stickers with Bitmoji! How exciting!
One thing I am reluctant about would be allowing the students to search their own Bitmojis. I know there are some that are inappropriate for the age that I teach (9-11 year olds). Our school does have the Bitmoji website blocked, so I would need to take on the task of creating their Bitmojis and uploading a select few appropriate options for my students to choose from.
I so wish that Bitmoji would come up with a kid-friendly version. They'd have so much fun customizing and creating. Fun ideas for using bitmojis.